Petrus Quick

Petrus (Peter Quick) Quick 
Jason J. Quick

Petrus was baptized in Rochester (accord) on the January 28th, 1728, the son of Jacobus Quick and Francisca Consalus DukKingston, Parents: Jacobus Kwik, Francisca Consalisduk. Child: Petrus “bp’d in Rayset [Rochester]. Witnesses Kryn Oosterhout, Annetjen van Etten.”[1] Petrus married Johanna Consalus, a first cousin to his mother on November 17th, 1748 in Warwasing, New York.[2] The marriage record and Banns state “Oct 23rd ditto. Petrus Quick, young man, born in Rochester, with Johana Consalis, young woman, born below Kingston, and both residing below Mamakating, married Nov 17th, dito, by Cornelis Dupuy, Justice of the Peace.” [3] The couple probably lived in present-day Wurstboro close to the Consalus family estate.

Peter moved to Mininsk-Machackemeck where his extended family had a plantation close to the Delaware River at Port Jervis, New York where the current states of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania merge.[See Map] On November 26th, 1749, Petrus’s first son, Benjamin and second son Phillipus (Philip) was baptized in Deer Park, Orange Co. New York “Nov 26th Minisink Machackemeck (Deerpark), Parents: Petrus Quick, Johanna Consalus. Child: Benjamin. Witnesses: Daniel Consalus, Maria Consalus.”[4] and on the 14th of August 1751 he was still in Deer Park for the birth of Philip. Aug 14th Minisink Machackemeck (DEERPARK), Parents: Petrus Quick, Johanna Consalus. Child: Phillipus. Witnesses: Phillipus Swartwout, Antje Wynkoop."[5] In November the same year (1751) Petrus was accused of murdering his cousin Salomon Davis a constable in Ulster Co. It seems that Salomon caused quite a bit of trouble in Ulster and Orange counties [6]

From 1754 to about the fall of 1768 Petrus was living in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co. New Jersey. Petrus’s fourth son Petrus Jr. (Peter) was Baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church of North Branch now in Readington Township, Hunterdon Co. New Jersey in 1754 [7] and his seventh son, Johannes (John) was born there in 1768.[8] At the time the church close to Branchburg and Whitehouse.[9] It is said the Petrus also lived in Newton, Sussex Co. New Jersey around 1769 when his youngest child, Fannah was born.

On Aug 20th, 1771 Peter Quick purchased 276 ¾ acres on the NW side of the Beaver Brook in Oxford Township, Sussex Co. New Jersey, from George Reading of New York for 554£. According to the deed, George had to pay off debts and the land was in foreclosure.[10] This land was originally a 1250-acre tract of land surveyed by John Reading in 1715 “above the branches of the Raritan River between the branches of the Delaware and the bounds of the Eastern Division at a hill called Penungauchung (Manunka Chunk)”(The area was also called the "Dry Pond") The land was then given to John Reading Jr. and to his son George Reading.[11] In 1773 and later in 1778 Peter was listed in the Sussex Co. New Jersey tax-list.[12] Peter purchased an additional 202-acre tract on July 6th, 1797 from Spinster Ann Green of North Carolina for 103£ 19s and approximately 252 acres of woodland on Jenny Jump Mountain from Richard and Charles Coxe for 176£ 1s April 3rd, 1803. Philip Quick Sr., Peter’s son purchased 148 ½ acres from the Coxe brothers in the same transaction [10]


On July 15th, 1768 Petrus Quick and Johanna were awarded part of a 120-acre tract of land, that “Manuel Chonsalis” purchased from Jacob Ruston on July 25th, 1723.[13] This tract was split with the six children of Manuel (II).  This deed is located in the Kingston Collection of Manuscripts in the New York State Library on sheep-skin parchment.[14] On the same date in Hunterdon Co. New Jersey, Peter Quick was appointed administrator of “Rymerick Gansalies”, deceased, his mother-in-law (wife of Manuel (II)).[14] Peter was also named executor of the Last Will and Testament of his brother-in-law Manuel (III) Gonsalus of Bushkill, Delaware Twnsp. Northampton Co. Penn.[15] dated March 20th, 1789. In the will of his father Jacobus Quick dated April 24th, 1777, proved Jan 16th, 1782, Peter was left £200 “I give and bequeath to my son Petrus Quick the sum of two hundred pounds” Petrus was named executor along with his brother Jacobus.[16]]

Petrus and Johanna had; Click the link for individual write-ups on each child.

1. Benjamin baptized Nov. 26th, 1749. Married 1. Abigail 3. Rachel (remarried to Joseph Strickland after Benjamin Died)
1749 - Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church records, Church at Machackemack (Orange Co., N.Y.) pg. 118
2. Philippus (Philip Sr.) baptized Aug 14th, 1751. Married Hannah (Possibly Campbell)
1751 - Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church records, Church at Machackemack (Orange Co., N.Y.) pg. 123
3. Emmanuel (Manuel) born about 175. Married Catherine Barclay
4. Petrus (Peter Quick Jr. & Sr.) baptized. May 5th, 1754. Married Elizabeth Consalus
1768 - New Millstone North branch and Six Mile Run I, Book 76 pg.127
5. James (Jacobus) born about 1755. Married Elizabeth the widow of James Van Etta
6. Zamuel (Samuel) born on February 5th, 1760. Married Mary Tice
Samuel Quick Revolutionary War Pension
7. Johanna baptized November 16th, 1761. Married 1. Dirck Aten 2. Henry Consalus (Henry was divorced for abandonment in Kentucky and moved to Ohio) 3. William Driskell 4. Harry Martin
Dirck ATEN (Born 1742 In NJ) And His Old Dutch Bible pg. 6
 8. Johannes (John) baptized May 29th, 1768. Married Phoebe Smith.
1768 - New Millstone North branch and Six Mile Run I, Book 76 pg. 164
 9. Fannah born Jan 8th, 1769. Married Jacob Hetzel his second wife.
1860; Census Place: Knowlton, Warren, New Jersey; Page: 517; Family History Library Film: 803711

Petrus and the Revolutionary War

Petrus (Peter) is listed as DAR Ancestor #: A093080[17] and SAR Ancestor #: P-274763[18] During the war Peter had a very contentious relationship with his neighbor Major Robert Hoops. Robert’s father Adam Hoops purchased 476 acres of land in Oxford Township in 1768 [19] Robert inherited the land July 6th, 1771 which contained “my plantation in West Jersey called the Paquess together with the Grist Mill and two Saw Mills.”[20] Robert Served under George Washington and was commissioned “deputy Commissary General of Issues” (Quartermaster)[21] on July 1st, 1777 was tasked to feed the troops with grain and meat which he personally benefited from, by building a slaughterhouse and already owning the means to make flour from his grist mill. Hoops then used the local farmers to deliver his goods to Washington’s troops during the war and was pivotal supplying them in Morristown.[22] At the time Sussex County was a hotbed of Tory activity and Robert Hoops was known to be lenient with traitorous behavior from local Tories.[23] Peter Quick was skeptical of Robert Hoops intentions and believed he was also working with the British Government.

On May 26th, 1777 Peter Quick was supposed to deliver 900 bushels of wheat to Robert Hoops for the use of the US Army. In September of 1778, Robert Hoops sued Peter Quick. “his purchasing a quantity of wheat of the said Peter for the use of the Army of the United States of America at the price the said Robert would give and allow for the said wheat, and upon that discourse it was then & there agreed by & between the said Robert and Peter in matter following to witt, …. at the rate of seven schillings and six pence per bushel, and if the current price of wheat” [24] It is not known if Peter delivered the wheat to the troops bypassing Robert or if he never did it all. It is the Authors’ opinion that Peter bypassed Robert and went straight to the troops due to some kind of pricing and trust issue.

This is not the only case that Robert brought against Peter. Peter also was charged for slander by Robert and sued for £1000. Robert’s lawyer stated Peter was “maliciously contriving and intending not only prejudice him the said Robert in his good name.” Peter Quick called him a “Tory” ”an enemy of the State”, “has been over to the regulars meaning the Army of the King of Great Britain, then at open war with, and acting in a hostile manner against the State of New Jersey, and the United States of America for protection”[24] Peter said he could prove it and mentioned that Robert was granted safety to travel throughout Sussex county and his land was protected by loyalists (Tories). Peter also said Robert refused to grind corn for Derick (Dirck) Auter (Aten) that was to be used by the Army of The United States of America and that Robert “is nothing but a public beggar”[24]

Peter Quick eventually lost the case and Robert Hoops was awarded £350 in damages and Peter was arrested and then detained in prison at Perth Amboy on May 16th, 1778. On December 22nd, 1778 Peter Quick was released on bond to “Richard Otter” (Dirck Aten Peter’s son in law) of the township of Knowlton in the County of Sussex by a certain ”John Doe”. On April 6th, 1780 Peter Quick countersued Robert Hoops through his attorney Jasper Smith for Slander but the author has no records of the outcome of the case.[24]

Peter Quick vs. Robert Hoops Supreme Court Case #17421

Peter Quick vs. Robert Hoops Supreme Court Case #17421

In 1779 Peter Quick, his son Samuel and possibly a few other sons participated in the Sullivan Expedition. The expedition was under General Nathanial Greene and Colonel Robert Lettis Hooper who was a quartermaster general of the Continental Army for parts of Pennsylvania and Sussex Co.[25][26] The Quick’s served six months ending before Christmas and were tasked to clear the road from Easton, Pennsylvania to New York and possibly also commandeered wagons. The 5th Sussex Regiment under Colonel Oliver Spencer was tasked to clear a 65-mile swath of timber and swamp from Easton Pennsylvania through the Wyoming Territory to Fort Sullivan.[27] Along the way, the troops destroyed every Indian village and settlement they could find.[28] On the way back from the Expedition they army encamped in Oxford just a few miles from the Quick Farmstead on October 28th, 1789 and marched till they got to Eyres ford on December 17th and were disbanded by Christmas.[26] The Quick’s must have personally known Colonel Hooper because he visited them at their home a few years later in Oxford Township. Sussex Co, New Jersey to help watch a prisoner named James O’Hara who was a Tory From Sussex Co.

My next tour of duty was in 1779 – I volunteered with 15 to 20 others first June under the command of my father Captain Peter Quick, who under Colonel Hooper of Easton was commanded by Major General Green to open the road through the woods from Easton to New England. We commenced and continued on a full six months for, I recollect getting home but a very few days before Christmas. We had to carry our arms the whole time and operated regardless with them.- Samuel Quick [27]

Tories in Sussex County

To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 7 January 1780
From Major General Stirling
Baskingridge [N.J.] January 7th, 1780

Dear Sir

"About a month ago I deposited with Colonel Hamilton some papers for your Excellency’s perusal relative to One James O Hara, taken up at Easton for passing Counterfeit Continental Money, both in this State & Pensilvania, a large quantity of which he brought out of New york. as I was fearfull the Magistrates would enlarge him on Bail, I desired Colonel Hooper to retain him as a Military prisoner, having sufficient Evidence in my hands to Convict him as a Spy from the Enemy, what has Since been done with him I know not. 1 about the Same time I had a Caleb Swesey (Swayze) and two others Apprehend[ed] as accomplises of Ohara, they were examined before two Magistrates at Morris Town, and Sufficient appeared Against Swesey to retain him both as Civil and Military prisoner, and as such was Committed to Morris Town Goal; the other two were admitted to Bail. a few day’s ago I had information of One Richard Heyden being within a few Miles of Camp. this fellow is a Notorious Villian, has Communicated with the Enemy every Since their first Arrival in this State, has been twice apprehended as a Spy & as often brook Goal and Escaped to the Enemy; he is the person who Supplyed Ohara with the Counterfeit Money, and I have great reason to belive that he was employed at new york as one of the Grand Agents for Vending and Circulating the Counterfeit paper Money.2 I sent an Officer with small detachment of the Militia who were well acquainted with the Country to take him, he was apprehended and sent by Justice Young3 to Morris Town Goal to be held in Irons. Yet I am this Morning informed that some Magistrate at Morris Town had Bailed both Heyden and Swesey, on the Security of men of Caracters almost as infamous as themselves: thus giveing these Villians a licence to go into every part of the Camp or State with impunity, and an other oppertunity of going to the Enemy whenever they are furnished with any intelligence they think worth Communicating to them. Both in a Civil and Military light I Esteem this Affair of the Utmost importance, and if it is Vigorously prosecuted in both lines, I do not doubt it will discover the whole Scheme of Counterfeiting the Continental Money and its Circulators in more States than one; and may give us a Clue that will detect the whole train of Spies and Intelligenceors that we have among us. at any rate I think the three Capital one’s, OHara, Swesie, & Heyden should be Secured beyond a possibility of Escapeing, their Crimes are unbailable, and they should be remanded to prison. how to get the Civil Engine to Act with Vigour on this occasion I know not, but I belive the most Effectual way will be for your Excellency to write to Governor Livingston, he can appoint a Special Commission to prosecute this Matter immediately, and if your Excellency chuses in the Mean-time to have them Secured as Military prisoners I think I can find Men to be Confided in, who know their haunts, and will lay perdue for them.
” [29]

On Sunday, June 4th, 1780 Major Robert Hoops (Not Robert Hooper) was involved in an incident involving a certain Joseph Lowry Jr. a known associate of an infamous Tory James Moody walking next to his and Peter Quick’s farms. Joseph Lowry Jr. was a known soldier in the New Jersey Regulars who was spotted walking past Robert Hoops on the road by his farm with a woman and was by quickly questioned him. Lowry ended up running from Hoops and in the chase pulled a pistol on Hoop and Hoops subsequently stabbed him in the arm. Hoops then threatened to kill Lowry if he did not reveal information about Tory activity in the area. Lowry eventually confessed that he was to meet James Moody on top of Jenny Jump Mountain on Thursday.[30] (Peter Quick’s farm butted up to Jenny Jump and after the war, he ended up purchasing a few hundred acres of land on the mountain itself) Lowry was then taken to jail in Newton, Sussex Co, New Jersey by Major Hoops. On June 21st James Moody and a party of New Jersey Tory regulars from Staten Island took the jail at Newton and released the Lowry and twelve other prisoners.[31][23]

The inhabitants of Sussex county had enough of Moody’s exploits. On July 17th, 1780 the inhabitants of Sussex petitioned the Governor to direct Colonel West to call out his regiment “Forty men to serve as scouts to apprehend the said Moody and his party to prevent their further operations”[23] Jacob West was the Colonel of the 1st Regiment of the Sussex Co. Militia. Captain Joseph Mackey commanded 1st Company in Oxford Township where Robert Hoops and Peter Quick resided and the company was locally known for hunting Tory’s. Andrew Dow was 1st Lieut., Lawrence Lomason was 2nd Lieut., and George Summers was Ensign.[32] Peter and his sons Benjamin, Philip, James, Manuel, Samuel, and possibly Peter Jr. had served under Captain Mackey at various times during the war and was certain to have participated in the search for Moody and his companions. Captain Joseph Mackey was a neighbor and in a biography of Captain Mackey was stated: “Captain Mackey’s regiment was busy arresting Tories in Sussex County during the year 1778, if a jury found a Tory had joined or aided the British then the confiscation of his property was his fate.”[33]

Another reference of the Quick’s fighting Tories and hunting Moody comes from the pension of William McCullough who “served two weeks under Captain William Bond (William Bond was a Lt. Colonel) in different parts of the county of Sussex to apprehend Capt. Moody a famous Torey who was enlisting a company for the enemy – We could not catch Moody although we were out ale hours of the night - & hunted every part of the County“ … “We surrounded a house of one brother who was suspected to harbor Moody. We found him at home but no Moody. Before I could stop the men, one by the name of Quick had thrust his bayonet into the Brittan’s thigh after he gave up to us. - William McCullogh [34]

In the Summer of 1781, the aforementioned Joseph Lowry returned to Oxford Township and the local Patriots petitioned Governor William Livingston to call the Oxford Co. of Sussex Militia and allow them to arrest the said Lowry. Listed is Lieut. Colonel William Bond, Captain Joseph Mackey, Peter Quick, and sons Benjamin, James, and Manuel.

"To his Excellency William Livingston Esqr Governor and Comander in Chief in and over the State of New Jersey ---- The Petition of Sundry Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Sussex and State aforesaid Humbly Showeth

That you Petitioners wer wishing to Support the good Interest of their Country; -- we have Certain Reason to believe that a Certain Joseph LOWRY (which came out with Moody & his Bandity) who Majr Robert HOOPS Took last Summer) is a Dangerous and Prejuditial Man in this County & Especially to the Township of Oxford as the sd. LOWRY -- is at his Liberty in the County, we your Petitioners humbly beg that your Excellency woud Order the sd. LOWRY, to be Delivered to Some -- Comisary of Prisoners, and there to be Detained, as a Prisoner of War. & not to be admited to Bail, -- we your Excellencie petitioners as in Duty Bound will Ever Pray? ---
"[35]  Signed
Legislature; Series: Petitions to the General Assembly and Legislative Council, 1752-1845; Item #63; copied at the New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ

On August 16th, 1781 Peter is recorded giving 7½ bushels of rye, 7½ bushels of corn, 9 bushels of buckwheat, and three tons of hay worth £32 14s 6p to the war effort on certificate No. 8130 signed by Major Robert Hoops his the neighbor who he previously had legal issues with.[36]

Dorothy Stratford, Certificates & Receipts of Revolutionary New Jersey (Hunderton House, 1996) pg. 249

I have heard my mother tell to many people about the Revolution and what my father done he offered his services at the beginning of the war to go and buy cattle for General Washington’s army and followed buying cattle to the end of the war and then was paid out in continental money that depreciated down to six cents on the dollars and she said he did not care for that they had drove the old toreys out of the land, and I have heard her tell many times that my Grandfather Peter Quick was a well to do farmer at that time and would take his teams and draw his wheat and give it to the Revolution soldiers to help make bread for them, he said he and his family could live on buckwheat and rye and corn bread at home, but the poor men that was out enduring the hardships should have the best he had, to give them strength to drive the old toreys out of this land” – Abraham S Quick, son of John Quick and Grandson of Petrus (Peter) Quick, Nashville, Barry Co. Michigan May 12th, 1889. John Quick was a false pensioner.[37]­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

In 1781 or 1782 a certain James O’Hara, has stolen a home at Morristown and was taken prisoner by Major Hooper near my fathers & brought him to my fathers to take care of, my brother & I one link by direction of my father, beat down a sapling and tied a rope around his neck and let it draw up until it choked him pretty well. They then let him down on condition of his telling who were the tories about Morristown. About two o’ clock Colonel Hooper, Colonel Thompson, & Captain’s Mackey & Ribble & others that had been hunting Moody a noted Torey came and examined him further & concluded to send him to Morristown & afterwards sent him off in Handcuffs- Samuel Quick [27]

My father and six brothers of us, were capable of bearing arms, and continued to go out pretty much the whole war. We were surrounded by Tories and had to be continuously on the lookout." - Samuel Quick [27]

Col. McCullough says he knows his father & other brothers (Peter Quick & Sons) well but they are now all dead – that they were the most famous whigs of this part of the county in the Revolution – that it was generally believed that they hung (a captured Tory) until he died, either the one mentioned in Samuel’s statement, or another Torrey of that time. His case is a very fair one & if organized I could get the affidavit of every pensioner of the county to the fact of his father & seven sons, being the best whigs of the neighborhood.- From a letter dated June 6th, 1836 in Samuel Quick’s Pension Application[27]

Peter could have also served under Capt. James Bonnell of the 1st Sussex Militia stationed in the Minisink. His service is recorded on certificate No. 115 signed by Joseph Gaston May 1st, 1784 in the sum of £23 14s 10p for two-years’ service and £1 8s 5p interest in place of Samuel Morrow.[38] Other Quick families claim that this is their Peter but I have not seen corresponding evidence to prove otherwise. This could also have been Peter Quick who married Hannah de Witt son of Jacobus Quick Sr. and Maria Westbrook. This Peter had a brother John and Half-brothers Cornelius, Jacobus Jr. and Thomas. Jacobus “James” Quick was the brother of Tom Quick the “Indian Killer” Jacobus Quick had a second wife Jannetje Van Auken.[39]

There is a Peter and James Quick who served various terms in the Pennsylvania Upper Smithfield Militia in various engagements against the natives. I would assume it’s the same Peter Quick and James (Jacobus mentioned) earlier due to the location and names of their neighbors mentioned on the roster.[40] The author believes that both Peter Quick and specifically his son Samuel participated on the Pennsylvania Side of the Revolutionary War to help defend Manuel Consalus, either as a volunteer, or called as help as Sussex Militia. Peter Quick’s wife Johanna Consalus was the sister of Manuel Consalus. Manuel owned a tavern and a stockade home on the Bushkill now the Peters House on the intersection of Hwy 209 Creek Rd in Bushkill, Pike Co. Pennsylvania.[41]

This is an excerpt from Samuel Quick son of Petrus (Peter Quick)

"My next tour was for six months but I continued out for eight months. I enlisted about first of April 1778 with Captain John Vanatta, Lieutenant John Innes, Manuel Vannatta Ensign in Northampton County Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Militia to go to Minnisk to watch the Indians. We marched up there and were commanded by Colonel Strand (Jacob Stroud) until dismissed about the 20th December – I recalled getting home a few days before Christmas. During the tour we had a skirmish with the Indians and our Lieutenant and Ensign both, being shot by the Indians, this was near Milford & we had but one man wounded, and after the engagement found three of the enemy killed, one of whom we washed found that he was a painted whiteman which we suspected from his hair. We had no other engagements but alarms every two or three days" – Samuel Quick [27]

This Is a corresponding letter of the battle of Conashaugh

'Battle Of The Conashaugh'
John Van Campen to Pres. Reed. (Reed was the President of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania)

Southfield, April 24, 1780.
Honr'd Sir: 

I hope my last by Mr. Mixer has come to hand informing you of the incursion of the Indians at the house of Manuel Gunsaleyes. I herewith inform your Honor of their late attempts. James McCarte with his family was removed to the Jersey on the 20th inst., his sons went to their home to feed the cattle, the farm was in Pa. about three miles below Milford, discovered signs of Indians, returned to the Jersey immediately and acquainted Major Westbrook and Captain Westbrook and the signs they had discovered: they sent immediately for some of their best men and crossed the River that night. About sun rise the morning following discovered the Indians nigh the barn and began the attack: the number of the enemy is supposed to be about fourteen: the Major received no damage with his party: the Indians retreated to the woods: The Major was reinforced by Cap. Van Etten with three of his sons and son-in-law: pursued the Indians by the blood and about two miles came up with them. As it is without doubt three of them was wounded: renewed the attack, drove the Indians to the edge of a thick wood. Captain Van Etten maintained his ground with his few men, the Major with his men also. Captain Westbrook's men left at the first fire from the enemy in the woods, which was the ruin of the whole, but the ground maintained for some time and the retreat secured by the Major and Van Etten. Killed and missing on the part of the Major and Van Etten,—Captain Westbrook missing,—not yet found: Benjamin Ennis* killed, son-in-law to Captain Van Etten: Richard Rosecrans killed and two more wounded. Of the enemy killed, two found,—one an officer appearing by his dress,—found in his pocket a regular Journal from the first of March till the 16th instant. As appears by his Journal there is Three Hundred and Ninety marched from Niagagari, divided into different parties. The officer was a white man. Respected Sir, now under difficulties of march, what the event will be God only knows. The people are determined to evacuate the country as there appears no prospect of relief by the Militia. I am, sir, with due respect,

Your most humble Servt.,
John Van Campen 

P. S. The said Mc.Cartee, where the attack began, is about two miles below Wells Ferry [at present Milford PA] on the banks of the Delaware. Capt. Van Etten lives in Delaware Township one mile below Mc.Cartee's."[42]

Colonel Stroud commanded the 6th Battalion of Pennsylvania Militia from 1777 - 1779. John van Etten was Captain of the 3rd Co. of Upper Smithfield Township Militia in 1780 and also the 1st Company of Delaware Township Militia. It is hard to determine is Samuel Quick was making up his statement or just confused with names and dates so many years after the events happened.[40] It is also worth knowing that both Johannes (John) van Etta (brother in law) and John Innes (cousin) were kinfolk of the Quicks of Oxford Township in New Jersey.

Peter Quick likely participated in the battle of Millstone (Boundbroook) in January 1777 against the Hessians and British. The Sussex 1st Militia regiment was documented participating [43] as well as his sons, Phillip Quick Sr. as stated in sworn testimony in the pension of George Kiser,[44] and Samuel Quick who also mentions the same battle.[27]

Peter is recorded on receipt No. 283 in 1784 for £2 17s 6p for service as a Sergeant under Captain Joseph Mackey [38] Peter Quick is listed in “Sussex and Warren Counties In The Revolution” list with his sons; Benjamin, James, & Manuel on pg. 73 [45] and on pg. 727 in “Stryker’s Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War.”[46] On March 2nd, 1784 Peter gave $220.49. and in April 1785 he gave $21.37 for Revolutionary War debt on certificates #514 and #2271 issued by the Continental Congress and the U.S. Treasury Department to fund interest payments on foreign debts.[47] Peter’s sons; Benjamin, Phillip, Emanuel, Peter (Jr.), James, and Samuel all fought in various Militias around Sussex Co. during the entirety of the war. Peter’s, youngest son, John born 1768 was a false pensioner but probably helped with the war effort on the farm and in other ways.[37][46][48]

Sussex County Revolutionary War Militia Payroll - New Jersey Archives MSS 2224

Sussex County Revolutionary War Militia Payroll - New Jersey Archives MSS 2224

 After the War

On Dec 4th, 1786 the commissioners of the towns of Oxford, Knowlton, and Independence voted to construct a road from Robert Hoop’s Mill to David Hoop’s Mill. This road went through the lands of “Peter Quick’s division and down the line between Capt. George Ribble and Mr. Peter Quick to the road that leads from David Hoop’s Mill to Peter Wolf’s in Knowlton.”[49] The next spring on April 7th, 1787 the surveyors of the Highways of Oxford, Knowlton, and Hardwick planned to build a road that “started at the corner of Peter Quicks land in Oxford at the edge of the great road that leads from Robert Hoop’s Mill to M. Mcdonald’s Mill leaving Oxford Meeting House to the Moravian Mill.”[50]

In 1788 Peter was a witness in a Supreme Court case involving his son James killing his neighbor’s hogs. Peter’s witness testimony is as follows: “Peter Quick told him that he had killed three hogs belonging to George Ribble and that he had set his fence so that any hog might easily get into his field and that he had left his fence in good order this long while sane that he would not keep it so any longer and that he would kill every man’s hog that came into his field.”[51]

On Sept 8th, 1796 another road was planned “leading from Belles’s old Mills to Belvidere in two particular places, beginning in the Great Road on the east side of the Beaver Brook near a black oak tree thence north thirty-five degrees three chains west..halfway between Mr. Hunt’s and Mr. Peter Quick’s at or near a black walnut tree thence south fifty-seven degrees west five chains.”[52]

Peter’s wife Johanna Consalus-Duk was baptized Nov 13th, 1726 in Kingston, Ulster Co. New York the daughter of Manuel Consalus-Duk Jr. “Van Zalus-duk” and Rymerick Quick. “Reymerig Kwik” Johanna was the niece of Peter’s mother Francisca, and Rymerick was Jacobus, Peters father's, first cousin once removed.[53] Johanna died sometime after 1805 [54] in Oxford Township in the then Sussex Co. New Jersey. Peter died intestate about late 1805 to early 1806. The inventory of the Estate of the “late” Peter Quick in The Sussex co. Orphan’s Court Minutes was dated April 5th, 1806 with Philip Quick listed as administrator.[55] Peter and Johanna Quick were probably buried in the Old Sarepta Buying Ground now part of the Beaver Brook Wildlife Management Area. The following summary outlines the distribution of Peter’s Estate.

Appraised by us the day and date above written. 

John M. McMutrie
Sussex Co. 

John McMutrie one of the appraisers of the within inventory being duly sworn did depose and say that the goods chattels and credits in the said inventory set down § specified were by him appraised according to their just and true respective rates and values after the best of his judgement and understanding, and that Daniel Kennon the other appraiser was present at the same time and consented in all things to the doing thereof and that they appraised all things brought to their view for appraisement. Sworn at Newton the 27th day of May Anno Domini 1806 before me. John McMurtie 

D. Stuart Surrogate 

Phillip Quick administrator § C. of the within named Peter Quick dec. being duly sworn did depose and say that the within Writing contains a true and perfect inventory of all § singular the goods chattels and credits of the said dec. as far as have come to his knowledge, possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for his use.  
Sworn at Newton the 27th day of May
Anno Domini 1806 before me
D. Stuart Surrogate

Phillip Quick [55] (New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.), Inventories, 1803-1903, Film 5679635, Vol A. pgs. 238-40)

August Term 1807

The account of Phillip Quick adm. of Peter Quick dec. $532.14
This account having been audited and stated by the Surrogate and now reported for allowance whereby it appears that there is a balance in the accountant’s hands of five hundred § thirty-two dollars § fourteen cents to be disposed of agreeably to law no exceptions being taken to the said account nor to the passing thereof and the accountant having complied with the requirements of the law in all respects therefore the court do order and decree that the said account as stated to be finally allowed and passed. [57] (New Jersey. Orphans' Court (Sussex Co.) Minutes, 1804-1833, Film 8137050, Vol A-1, slide 84 pg. 127)

February Term 1811

The account of the admst. of Peter Quick $62.29

This account having been audited § stated by the Surrogate and now reported for allowance whereby it appears that there is not assets sufficient in the accountants hands to pay all the debts and expenses and that the-sum of sixty two dollars and twenty nine cents is due to the accountant-whereupon proclamation being made pursuant to law the court postpone and put over the passing of the said account till next term agreeably to the statute in such case made and provided.[58] (New Jersey. Orphans' Court (Sussex Co.) Minutes, 1804-1833, Film 8137050, Vol A-1, slide 136 pg. 221)

Before Peter’s death he deeded three tracts of land, divided into thirds to his sons; Philip Quick, Peter Quick and Emanuel (Manuel) Quick. A deed recorded Sept 5th 1805 states “Indenture between Peter Quick of the Township of Oxford County of Sussex … and Philip Quick, Peter Quick Jun. and Emanuel Quick of the other part Township, County and State aforesaid, and sons of Peter Quick” The next part of the deed Describes two tracks of land purchased between 1771 and 1797 containing approximately 479 acres that Peter gives to his sons “The said Peter Quick doth hereby covenant grant promise and agree to and with Philip Quick, Peter Quick Jun. and Emanuel Quick. Their heirs and assigns that at the time of ensealing and delivering hereof the said Peter Quick is the true sole and lawful owner of all and singular the above granted and bargained premises in his own right as of good swore perfect and in defensible estate of inheritance in the law in fee simple. With all the appurtenances residues and remainders as above mentioned the said Philip Quick, Peter Quick Jun., and Emanuel Quick” The third tract is the 252 acres of mountain land purchased in 1803 that must have been still Mortgaged. “No.3 tract or parcel of land whereas the aforesaid Peter Quick the doth covenant and agree with Philip Quick, Peter Quick Jun., and Emanuel Quick all his said Peter sons for in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds each in Gold or Silver” This deed was witnessed October 5th, 1805 by Barnabus Swayze and recorded April 12th, 1806.[10]

James Quick and Samuel Quick brothers of Philip Quick, Peter Quick Jun. and Emanuel Quick was left out of the disbursement of their father’s land and were not happy about the situation. In May term of 1806, they applied to the court to have the lands of Peter Quick disbursed to all his heirs because he died with no will. James and Samuel probably did this not knowing Peter had already deeded the Plantation Estate land to Philip, Peter Jr., and Emanuel.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­“James Quick, Samuel Quick application to divide lands of Peter Quick, Dec. Application being made to this court by the above named James and Samuel Quick, children and heirs of Peter Quick, Dec., stating that the said Peter Quick, late of the township of Oxford in the Co. of Sussex died without a will and intestate, seized in fee simple of a considerable real estate in the said township of Oxford and Co. of Sussex within the jurisdiction of this Court, by reason whereof the said real estate descended to the said James and Samuel Quick and the other children and heirs of the deceased, and thereof praying of this court to order relieved in administration of the (Estate) of the said Peter Quick agreeably to law. Whereas the several matters so stated appear to be true therefore on the said application it is ordered and decreed by this court that John Armstrong, John Kinney, and John A. Johnson, being three indifferent persons now appointed by the court do make division of all the real estate held by the said Peter Quick at his decease in fee simple in the county of Sussex by notes and bonds between the said James Quick and Samuel Quick and the other children and heirs of the said Peter Quick dec. according to the proportions directed by an act of assembly entitled an act to alter the law directing the descent of real estate" passed the 24 May 1780, and it is further ordered that the report of the said John Armstrong, John Kinney, Jun!, and John A. Johnson, or any two of them, made to the next Orphans Court after the division in writing under their seals and approved by the court shall be conclusive to all parties concerned.”[59] The court came up with the following division of land and it quite evident that at the end of this process James and Samuel did not get any land.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 


August Term 1806

We the subscribers commissioners appointed by an order of the Oxford court of the county of Sussex in the state of New Jersey of May term last to divide all the real estate of Peter Quick dec. late of Oxford township in he said county amongst the children and heirs of the said Peter Quick.

We have agreeable to said order met and divided all the real estate of the said Peter Quick deceased as following (???).

We have assigned and set off unto Phillip Quick a son and heir of Peter Quick dec.(deceased) two both Lott No. 1 on the homestead farm and Lott No 1 on the Mountain land agreeable as they are marked and numbered on the map here unto annexed. - Lot 1 Homestead - 40 Acres, Lot 1 Mountain Property - 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Henry Consolar and Johannah Consolar his wife late Johanna Quick daughter and heir of said Peter Quick dec. his lotts; Lott No 2 of the Homestead Farm and Lott No 2 of the Mountain Land agreeable as they are marked and numbered on the map here unto annexed. - Lot 2 Homestead - 70 Acres, Lot 2 Mountain Property - 25 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Jacob Hetsall & Hanna Hetsall his wife late Hanna Quick daughter and heir of Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 3 of the Homestead Farm and lott No 3 of the mountain land agreeable as their marked and numbered on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 3 Homestead - 20 Acres Lot 3 Mountain Property - 25 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Benjamin Quick an only son and heir of Benjamin Quick deceased who was a son and heir of said Peter Quick two lotts. No 4 of the Homestead Farm and lott No 4 of the Mountain Land as marked on the map. Lot 4 Homestead – 40 Acres, Lot 4 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto James Quick son and heir of said Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 5 of the Homestead Farm and lott No 5 of the mountain land agreeable as they are numbered on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 5 Homestead - 23 Acres, Lot 5 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Peter Quick son and heir of said Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 6 of the Homestead Farm and lott No 6 of the mountain land as they are numbered and marked on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 6 Homestead - 20 Acres, Lot 6 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Emmanuel (Manuel) Quick son and heir of said Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 7 of the Homestead farm and lott No 7 of the Mountain Land as they are numbered and marked on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 7 Homestead - 34 Acres, Lot 7 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto John Quick son and heir of said Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 8 of the Homestead farm and lott No 8 of the Mountain Land as they are marked and numbered on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 8 Homestead - 41 Acres, Lot 8 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

We have assigned and set off unto Samuel Quick son and heir of said Peter Quick dec. two lotts. No 9 of the Homestead farm and lott No 9 of the Mountain Land as they are marked and numbered on the map here unto annexed. – Lot 9 Homestead – 34 1/10 Acres, Lot 9 Mountain - Property – 50 Acres

All of which we make this our report given under our hands & seals at Oxford in the county of Sussex and State of New Jersey this thirty first day of July one thousand eight hundred and sis 1806.

Filed the 19th Aug 1806 John Armstrong (Seal)
Sussex Orphans Court John Kinney Jun (Seal)
August Term 1806 John A Johnson (Seal)
The above report being presented and heard and no exceptions appearing against the same the court confirms the said report and order it to be recorded

Recorded Sept 25th, 1835 [60] (New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.) Divisions of land 1820-1836 Film 5679557, Vol A, Slides 240-242 Pgs. 392-397)
New Jersey  Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.) Divisions of land 1820-1836 Film 5679557, Vol A, Slides 240-242 Pgs. 392-397

New Jersey Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.) Divisions of land 1820-1836 Film 5679557, Vol A, Slides 240-242 Pgs. 392-397

[1] Roswell R. Hoes, Bap. and Marr. registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster Co., (NYC, 1891) pg. 173
[2] Dutch Reformed Church Records, Holland Society of New York, New York, Wawarsing, Shawangunk, Wawarsing, and New Hurley, Book 29 slide 1 pg. 289
[4] Royden Woodward, Vosburgh, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church records, Reformed Church at Machackemack (Orange Co., N.Y.) 1913, pg. 118
[5] Royden Woodward, Vosburgh, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church records, Reformed Church at Machackemack (Orange Co., N.Y.) 1913, Pg. 123)
[6] National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume (1973) 61 pg. 205
[7] Holland Society of New York; NY, New York; New Millstone North branch and Six Mile Run I, Book 76, pg. 127
[8] Holland Society of New York; NY, New York; New Millstone North branch and Six Mile Run I, Book 76, pg. 164
[10] Sussex Co. New Jersey, Deeds. Vol. O pgs. 70-77
[11] New Jersey State Archives Early Land Records, Basse A (Surveys, 1-206): Folio 119 1/2-120 (SSTSE023)
[12] Kenn Stryker-Rodda, Revolutionary Census of New Jersey: An Index, Based on Ratables, of the Inhabitants of New Jersey During the Period of the American Revolution (Polyanthos, 1972) pgs. 111 & 319
[13] Ulster Co. New York Deeds Vol. DD pgs. 19-22
[14] Ann Stofer Johnson, Emanuel Gonsalus-Duk and his Descendants” Working Papers #2, (1989) pgs. 14 & 28
[15] Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994 Northampton Wills 1752-1800 Vol 2. Slide 335, pgs. 76-77
[16] New York Wills at Albany, Vol. AQ-AS 112
[19] New Jersey Early Land Records, 1650-1900 WJ Loose Records; 1765 - Heulings, Abraham (63009) (PWESJ004)
[21] The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789: Aachen - East Twinsey, (GSA, 1978) pg. 2359
[22] Warren County History and Directory: Or, The Farmers̓ Manual and Business Men’s Guide (1886) pgs. 237-238
[23] Susan Burgess Shenstone, So Obstinately Loyal: James Moody, 1744-1809 (McGill-Queen's Press, 2001) pgs. 70, 77-81
[24] New Jersey Supreme Court Case # 17421, private collection
[25] Charles Henry Hart, Letters from William Franklin to William Strahan, (Philadelphia, 1911) pg. 36
[26] Frederick Cook, Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six Nations of Indians in 1779 (Knapp, Peck & Thomson, Printers, New York, 1887) pgs. 114,319
[27] Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, Samuel Quick, R8546 Rej. Application File M804 Roll 1990
[28] Jacob Judd, The Van Cortlandt Family Papers, Volume 1, (Sleepy Hollow Restorations, 1776) pg. 86
[29] Founders Online, US National Archives, To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 7 January 1780,
[30] New Jersey Gazette, 14 June 1780, pg. 3
[31] NJA 2, IV, 476. Lundin, 83-85.
[32] James P. Clayton Snell, History of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey, (1884) pgs. 55-56,69-70, 73,332
[33] Tim Lewis Rue, Bloodroot: 101 Dadmations (Author House, Dec 22, 2009) pg. 167
[34] Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, 1800-1900, William Mc Cullough, S. 18,504 File M804 Roll 1674
[35] Legislature; Series: Petitions to the General Assembly and Legislative Council, 1752-1845; Item #63; copied at the New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ.
[36] Dorothy Stratford, Certificates and Receipts of Revolutionary New Jersey (Hunderton House, 1996) pg. 249
[37] Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, John Quick, W3397 BLWT #18027-160-55 Application File M804 Roll 1990
[38] New Jersey Revolutionary War Index, Film 568721, Includes Mss. 223 and 224 (Peter Quick)
[39] Arthur Craig Quick, A Genealogy of the Quick Family in America (1625-1942), 317 years, Various Pages
[40] Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Pennsylvania Archives Fifth Series Vol. VIII Muster rolls of the County of Northampton (Harrisburg Publishing, 1862) pgs. 375-376, 408-409, 427,431,572
[41] Alfred Mathews, History of Wayne, Pike, and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania (R.T. Peck & Company, 1886) pgs. 927-930.
[42] Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, Vol VII (1907) pg. 48-49
[43] John U. Rees, “The road appeared to be full of red coats” An Episode in the Forage War: The Battle of Millstone, 20 January 1777, Military Collector & Historian, vol. 62, no. 1 (Spring 2010), 24-35
[44] Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900, Nicholas Keyser R5902, Rej. Application File M804 Roll 1479 Slides 73-4
[45] James P. Snell, History of Sussex & Warren counties, New Jersey (Everts & Peck, Philadelphia 1881) pg. 73
[46] William S. Stryker, Official Register of the Officers and Men in the Revolutionary War (Trenton, 1872) pg. 727
[48] Receipts and Accounts of Joseph Lewis, Paymaster for the Sussex, Morris and Bergen Militia, 1778-1780, &, (Adjutant General's Office Revolutionary War, Copies of Miscellaneous Records, 1774-1837 SDEA1004, Box 1, (Folder 25 Abstract of Bounty Rolls for Morris, Sussex, and Bergen counties, discharged by Joseph Lewis, paymaster of militia, 1777-1778.) (Folder 26 Abstract of Pay Rolls [of Sussex Co. militia], discharged by Joseph Lewis and Joseph Gaston, 1777-1780 & Department of Treasury, Auditor's Account Books, 1776-1830, STSTR013, Book B, Records of Peter Quick, Benjamin Quick, James Quick, Manuel Quick, Samuel Quick.
[49] Sussex Co. New Jersey Road Books 1791-1924 Book A Film 8217834 pg. 147
[50] Sussex Co. New Jersey Road Books 1791-1924 Book A Film 8217834 pg. 150
[51] NJ Supreme Court Case # 31361, private collection
[52] Sussex Co. New Jersey Road Books 1791-1924 Book A Film 8217834 pg. 232
[53] Roswell Randolph Hoes, Baptismal and marriage registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster Co., (New York, New York, 1891) pg. 165
[54] Sussex Co. New Jersey, Deeds. Vol. T pgs. 77-87
[55] New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.), Inventories, 1803-1903, Film 5679635, Vol A. pgs. 238-40
[56] Sussex Co. Letters of Administration Vol A pg. 56
[57] New Jersey. Orphans' Court (Sussex Co.) Minutes, 1804-1833, Film 8137050, Vol A-1, slide 84 pg. 127
[58] New Jersey. Orphans' Court (Sussex Co.) Minutes, 1804-1833, Film 8137050, Vol A-1, slide 136 pg. 221
[59] New Jersey. Orphans' Court Sussex Co. Minutes, 1804-1833, Film 8137050, Vol A-1, slides 68-9, pgs. 97-98
[60] New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Sussex Co.) Divisions of land 1820-1836 Film 5679557, Vol A, Slides 240-242 Pgs. 392-397


  1. This is such a wonderful post. Fantastic research! I'm related to the Quicks through Lena who married Solomon Decker. ( tells me Petrus is my 1st cousin 8x removed! ) But on another branch of the family I have Loyalists who came from Sussex Co. Your description of the Joseph Lowry and James Moody situations were of particular interest to me. Thanks for sharing your hard work! I enjoyed it.

    1. Much Appreciated Cousin!! It was fun uncovering how the history intersected with James Moody. Especially how one of his meeting spots was close to the Quick farm on Jenny Jump mountain.


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